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Tablets - ASUS你怎麼唸 "English"宜蘭三星蔥農李大白小時侯把 English讀為"陰溝裡洗",現在天天在水溝裡洗青蔥。桃園謝株養小時侯把 English 讀為 "閹割你去",現在是大同種豬場董事長。李遠哲小時侯把 English 讀為"因果聯繫",現在是國際聞名的科學家。林俊義小時侯把 English 讀MeMO Pad MeMO Pad Pronounced “meemo”, MeMO stands for "My Mobile. My Moment" and reflects the position of ASUS MeMO Pad as a tablet for people on-the-go. Given the choices of 7’’ and 10’’ displays, they are light in weight and offer the ultra-mobility ......


Asus EeePad Transformer TF101 10.1 inch Tablet PC (nVidia Tegra2 1GHz, 1Gb, 16Gb eMMC, WLAN, BT 3.0,美國聯邦法律規定: 1)不得與豪豬發生性關係。(靠,誰敢呀) 2)每週四晚6:00以後不得放P。(以後還真要小心了,別一不留神坐牢了還不知為啥) 3)任何人不得銷售其子女。(好像中國也不許吧?) 阿拉巴馬州: 無論任何時候,將冰激淋卷放在口袋裡是違法的。(有病啊~~) 阿肯色州: 男性可以合法毆打其Ultra thin and light design Click here for a larger image Ultra thin and light design in a unique, stylish pattern With a super slim profile of only 12.98mm in a frame that weighs only 680g, the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer is comfortable to hold from any pos...


平板電腦: 平板電腦 - Yahoo!奇摩購物中心三個人下了地獄,一個農夫,一個工人,一個妓女。 閻王問農夫:你生前做過什麼好事沒有? 農夫說:我種了好多糧食,養活了好多人! 閻王說好,就給了他一把金鑰匙,表示通往天堂的鑰匙。 然後閻王繼續問工人:你生前做過什麼好事沒有? 工人說:我生產了好多東西給提供各品牌平板電腦與週邊配件,包含acer,ASUS,htc,Samsung,SONY,...等品牌,並兼具各尺寸與配合強打活動,價格預算,讓您輕鬆挑選理想平板電腦 - Yahoo!奇摩購物中心...


Asus Eee Pad Transformer美麗的護士一個男生去醫院割包皮,手術前,給他剃毛的是位美麗的護士,這位男生經不起她來回的折騰,一陣寒顫後----,護士手上多了一堆***不透明的東西,她心裡不禁一陣生氣,決定找機會好好修理這個「心術不正」的傢伙----。手術後隔天,這位美麗的護士去病床探望他,微笑著問他說:好一點了嗎?男生說:已經好Support Having problem after you bought a product? You can find driver, manual download, and FAQ on ASUS Customer Service website. To provide you the best service ASUS provides you different ways to make a contact with us as well. more...

全文閱讀 : ASUS Eee Pad Transformer TF101-B1 32GB 10.1-Inch Tablet (Tablet Only) : Tablet Computer爆笑精選:爆笑詐騙電話昨天接到一個不認識的電話,不像本土口音,上來就直呼我的名字!「王總!」「你是誰呀?」「你的老朋友啊」「誰呀?」「台東的老朋友啦,連我的聲音你都聽不出來了?」「你是?」「哎呀,王總你貴人多忘事啊」我是真的被問住了,想不起來這個聲音,又寒暄了半天,對方就是不說自己的名字,最後我不耐Some things are meant to go together Transforming the Conventional into the Unconventional With a slim, lightweight design and a 10.1-inch WSVGA IPS capacitive display made from durable and scratch-resistant glass that is viewable at angles up to 178°, th...
