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Review Asus F55A Notebook - Reviews 作者 yun0131 ()標題 [笑話] 不可不知,關於假文青的30件事時間 Sat Jul7 00:56:52 2012外表篇1.必備黑框眼鏡(雖然我們看起來都覺得是一樣的,但又喜歡強調自己戴的是哪副名牌)2.喜歡素T搭配針織衫(號稱喜歡簡單的搭配,不過如果是沒人認得出來的牌子是鐵定NG的唷^_Extensive review of the Asus F55A-SX099D (Intel Pentium B980, Intel HD Graphics (Sandy Bridge), 15.6", 2.6 kg) with numerous measurements, benchmarks and ratings ... The three devices' connectivity options are very similar. The only differences are f...

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