How to change CMOS battery from Asus EEE PC 1005HA - YouTube鄧小平訪美笑話 分類:笑話2009/10/20 10:52 八十年代,鄧小平訪美,召開記者招待會,正好翻譯不在,美國老記者想考考鄧小平的英語水平,便說:請問美國第一任總統叫什麼名字?鄧小平心想按中國人的習俗,見面應該先問姓,便操著四川口音說:我姓鄧(Washington)。美國老記者大吃一Change CMOS Battery from Asus EEE PC with other button battery, to solve clock problem. Summary in english: Problem: The computer doesn't show date and time correctly. When you start computer, date returns to defalut settings, on 01/01/2002. It means that...