How 2 configure ASUS P6T w/lone SSD + SATA RAID? [Solved] - New Build - Systems 好有畫面XD 這筆帳已經默默的記在收奶妹的心裡了,哈哈哈 等原po遇到喜歡的人就要小心奶妹的反擊part2 Dcard原文 我有一個朋友喜歡穿的暴露而且對我們講話都是沒在客氣的什麼髒話都譙的出來但是………當你發現他突然發現她對你發出嗲聲開始搔stockstradr, my comment on RAID0+1 and RAID 10 was more to convey that I'm not an expert on RAID arrays, and that I never found a good answer to this question myself, what you just said on the topic is probably as complete of an answer as I'll ever need. ...