ASUS outs Tablets 600 and 810, Transformer-like slates running Windows 8 圈套型 白羊座 獅子座 射手座這三類人群酒量不可忽視,號稱千杯不醉的人。能聽到他們的酒後真言可是難的,也許在酒桌上你先趴下,你先把真言吐露也不一定啊。如果他們說自己喝多了、醉了一定不要相信,因為他們在謀划如何騙取你的信任以及真心。步入他們的圈套雖然不是很危險,但也需要挑戰!他們會借着酒勁向你求婚,How many times have we posted a review of an ASUS Transformer tablet only to read comments that say, "Put Win8 on it and I'll buy it." Well, folks, it's time to put your money where your mouth is. ASUS just announced the Tablet 600 and the Tablet 810, two...