Hyundai「Tucson ix35」歐規版將新增「1.7L」柴油動力選擇,國產車型將於2016年
Asus Transformer AIO review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech newsisCar! 以柴油休旅(ix35、Santa Fe)長期稱霸國產SUV市場的Hyundai車廠,隨著先前於2015日內瓦車展發表「Tucson / ix35」的全新大改款車型後,如今將在歐洲市場再度為其新增「1.7L」渦輪增壓柴油引擎的選項(現行還有1.6汽油與2.0柴油車型),藉此強化品牌旗下的The Good The Asus Transformer AIO delivers a fast Windows 8 all-in-one, a giant Android tablet, and an effective platform for using them in tandem. The Bad Remote desktop technology makes using Windows 8 in tablet mode unreliable, and you might prefer to ...