Asus Transformer Pad TF300 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech 見過小偷用手伸進別人的口袋背包偷東西,但絕沒有見到扒手用筷子從別人口袋裡夾東西的!從電視劇中了解,熱水中抓肥皂可以訓練手的速度力量,可這一“絕技”是怎麼練的? 大家出門一定要注意,尤其是單獨出門的姑娘! 扒手開始他的“工作”Though it isn't as thin or as sturdy, the Asus Transformer Pad TF300 delivers Prime levels of performance at a more affordable price. ... The TF300 measures 0.38 inch thick -- compared with the Prime's 0.32-inch thickness -- and the plastic outer shell do...