國內最大室內車聚Stance Garage Taiwan 2 6 歐美系跑車篇
ASUS Z87 constantly boots to UEFI Bios Utility instead of Windows [Solved] - Motherboards - Motherbo說到跑車應該沒有男人不喜歡,流線外型加上充沛的動力輸出,開在路上就是拉風,而美系與歐系跑車各領風騷,篇幅有限,筆者就歸類在一起吧。 這部Porsche Cayman的看得到的改裝項目,除了加裝幅度不小的寬體套件,與車尾下方的大型擴散器外,最引人注目的還有引擎上方的氣壓避震器控制系統,透過巧思製作成引Pulling my hair out here. I've set this new computer up, but 19 time sout of 20 when I reboot, instead of taking me to Windows it takes me to the UEFI Bios Utility instead. I know Windows is installed because I've been able to get in a few times (no rhyme...