當「火影忍者」走上伸展台 竟意外的毫無違和感啊!
ASUSTeK Computer Inc.-Forum- USB 2.0 1.3M UVC Webcam陪伴我們長大的「火影忍者」在前一陣子推出完結篇後讓粉絲們依依不捨,十五年的羈絆可不是開玩笑的,除了馬上接著上演的劇場版之外,明年更有以鳴人兒子為主角的新作推出,除此之外,更有粉絲畫出「超美型寫實版」以及「美式風格版」的仿作,而現在,竟然連高檔的時裝品牌都決定向這部偉大的漫畫致敬啦,快來看看當火影忍者HI, i'm having the same troubles with my webcam. I know when its already installed its supposed to be found in the my computer folder but i can't find it anywhere in my system. I went to the device manager and it shows there "the device is working properl...