help in windows 8 update. touch screen not working! [Solved] - Asus - Windows 8畫中畫,據說右腦發達者可見。救命!我一個也看不出來啊~ 1. 斧頭劈柴。 2. 兩個辣椒。 3. 幾個蘑菇。 4. 一個茶壺。 5. 三隻蜂鳥。 6. 一隻狼在狼窩裡。 7. 美人魚。 8. 一隻大企鵝。 9. 兩個愛心。 把左眼視覺和右眼視覺效果疊加在一張圖片上,基本思路和3D電影有asus Q500a 8gp i7 2.2 OS win 8 i was using my touch screen after getting it, and 2 days later it stoped working and i did a restore on it incase and it happened again then i did a ......