手機神物 無線行動電源 手機丟包包就直接充電
Asus Laptops - Review and Compare Asus Laptops with others 圖片來源:everpurse 手機不離身,一沒帶手機或是手機沒電就令人覺得急躁不安,所以應該人人包包裡都有一顆行動電源吧!有時候用行動電源充電的時候動到線沒接好,其實也沒充到....芝加哥有人發明了這樣的行動電源!把手機丟進包包裡,不用接線~自動充電~ 單看照片還以為只是甚麼品牌的零About Asus The Asus Company is one of the leading manufacturers of computer products in the world. The Asus supplies very advanced and quality products to their customers. This company is the largest providers of computers, consumer electronics and ......