at bat 13

Casey at the Bat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 美國加利福尼亞州61歲發明家布蘭-費倫打造的“基拉”號(KiraVan)多用途超級旅行車,集辦公室、廚房和臥室於一身,車頂還有一個可伸縮的帳篷,這是為費倫4歲的女兒打造的,這輛與眾不同的卡車就是為她設計,以方便這對父女環遊世界。   費倫可以通過兩台大電腦檢測和掌"Casey at the Bat: A Ballad of the Republic Sung in the Year 1888" is a baseball poem written in 1888 by Ernest Thayer. First published in The San Francisco Examiner on June 3, 1888, it was later popularized by DeWolf Hopper in many vaudeville performance...


Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990) - IMDb此女論壇ID:小昭洋 發了一帖炫耀文,旨在秀身材 但網友的反應是....   網友: 看到最後一張我就明白了,不是背影給力,是帶你開過房的人都說從背後妳很厲害啊!Directed by Joe Dante. With Zach Galligan, Phoebe Cates, John Glover, Robert Prosky. The Gremlins are back, and this time, they've taken total control over the building of a media mogul....


The best vintage and classic cars for sale online | Bring a Trailer   這就是我們的童年啊......    This 1963 Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint 1600 is a lifelong California car that has been owned for 37 years and still wears it’s original black plate. Believed to retain it’s original engine, it is an excellent basis for restoration and looks remarkably solid a...
