at present time

ongoing 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典藏得天衣無縫啊!!! ongoing /'ɑng,oɪŋ/ /'ɔng,oɪŋ/ 共發現 9 筆關於 [ongoing] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 資料來源(1): pydict data [pydict] on-going (adj.)持續的 資料來源(2): pydict data [pydict] ongoing (a.)前進的,進行的前進,舉止,行為 資料來源(3): The Collaborative ......


Nowadays | Define Nowadays at Dictionary.com五臟俱全..?? nowadays / ˈnaʊ əˌdeɪz / Show Spelled [nou-uh-deyz] Show IPA adverb 1. at the present day; in these times: Few people do their laundry by hand nowadays. noun 2. the present: The kitchens of nowadays are much more efficient than when I was a boy. Origin: ....
