at that time

David Axelrod: Barack Obama Misled Nation On Gay Marriage In 2008 翻攝DCARD       昨天跟曖昧對象聊天的時候 他跟我說他手機裡有我的照片 我很興奮的問他是什麼照片XD 於是他傳來了這張 之後就開始很開心的嘲笑我       被整的人怎麼能夠輕易放過白目呢!!! 所以我想起了曾經在Dcard看過Barack Obama misled Americans for his own political benefit when he claimed in the 2008 election to oppose same sex marriage for religious reasons, his former political strategist David Axelrod writes in a new book, Believer: My Forty Years in Politics. “...


NBC News finds Brian Williams embellished at least 11 times - The Washington Post 翻拍自wuji8、fullyu   情侶之間偶爾玩一些無傷大雅的小惡作劇可以增進感情愉悅生活,但是像是下面這位男生對女友的惡作劇就過分到讓大家想罵他了。 因為他竟然在女友的衛生棉上抹上辣椒,當女友用衛生棉條之後,真的太慘了!     女友一直說下面就像是火燒一樣,剛開A months-long internal investigation of Brian Williams by NBC News has turned up 11 instances in which the anchorman publicly embellished details of his reporting exploits, according to a person familiar with details of the probe. NBC undertook the examin...


Google’s Lab of Wildest Dreams - The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia我有一個朋友他剛好在大陸出差 下面有圖片可以證實 飯店看起來住得很高級! 淋浴間也有上面沖澡式的 他睡了一晚後跟我表示雙人床很好睡,唯一可惜的是只有一個人躺 這是從飯店望出去窗外的風景,對面就是一間大型商場 因為出差太忙到現在還沒機會去逛... 但這商場掛上簡體字感覺就沒有日本或美國的outlet來Sebastian Thrun, one of the world's top robotics and artificial intelligence experts, is a leader at Google X. Credit Noah Berger for The New York Times One Google engineer familiar with Google X said it was run as mysteriously as the C.I.A. — with two of...


IdealBite - Getting Healthy One Bite At A Time 翻拍自sneaker(下同)   還是只知道黑色的NMD嗎? 其實愛迪達早推出了很多種款式哦! 真是千奇百樣,越變越神奇呀! 快來看看吧!   1.白色經典款 超美的白色,感覺隨手搭件白T恤、牛仔褲就可以出門,感覺也會掀起一股風潮!   2.土紅色 這個麻,小編相信還Sassy, breezy, bite size articles to help you get healthy one bite at a time... Daily fitness, health, happiness tips. ... Are you trying to figure out how those drop dead gorgeous Victoria’s Secret models get their great bodies? A personal trainer to the...


Internet Cat Video Film Festival, at Walker Art Center - 看完這篇我想我大學時期最大的遺憾應該是沒去飲料店打工了!! 好想立馬去大X子買杯飲料來喝順便看看有沒有我的另一半 =///=   Dcard原文 某個暑假在一間大x子的飲料店打工 當時時不時會有人來跟我要line 但我都委婉的拒絕了(那時候才意識到原來自己桃花那麼旺) 做完飲料我都會禮貌Thousands attended the outdoor screening. Credit Craig Lassig/Associated Press It is an axiom of Internet life that the cat video is king, so perhaps it was only a matter of time until something like this sprang up. Museum officials were quick to note tha...


Sports - TIME     大學生找人合租真的很不錯捏~還可以找到另一半!不過大家找合租時還是要小心一下自己的安全~不是每個人都可以遇到像原po這麼熱心助人又善良的室友!           Dcard原文   那年考到金門大學,等放榜了Where sports is on the mind. The latest news and commentary, covering football, baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, golf, hockey, the Olympics and more ... Sean Gallup/Getty Images DOHA, QATAR - OCTOBER 24: Arab men sit at a shoemaker's stall with a ......
