The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel: Neil Gaiman: 9780062255662: Amazon.com: Books (圖文皆轉自橘子娛樂,下同) 小編曾經給大家科普過一個網紅,一個有著巨大雙眸的美女子,人稱鬼姐,看照片感覺我們生活在不同次元。 觀眾包括橘子君一直都很好奇鬼姐的真實樣貌,會不會和照片上一樣令人窒息。 最近她玩起了直播,終於有幸能一睹芳容! 這張頭發擋太多了,實力cos恐怖片,看她直播的小伙伴都不怕An Amazon Best Book of the Month, June 2013: Neil Gaiman's intent was simple: to write a short story. What he ended up with instead was The Ocean at the of the Lane --his first adult novel since Anansi Boys came out in 2005, and a narrative so thoughtful ...