Amazon.com: Audio-Technica ATH-AD700 Open-air Dynamic Audiophile Headphones: Electronics 功能一....(可當後背包.搭配能力連當事者都忍不住.豎起大拇指) 功能二....(如果遇到相當緊急的時候.可當安全帽來留住你身上的鈔票 功能三....(可當裝可愛的...陽光美少男.....插個腰...陽光指數急速上升) 忘了說明由於考慮當事人的生命危險.......一律用蜘蛛人的The sound is smooth and relaxed, with deep resonating bass and vocal projection. The self-adjusting wing support automatically adjusts to your head size for listening comfort even during long sessions. A straight cord at the left earpiece terminates to a ...