最新無動刀人類芭比Lolita Richi,跟自稱「非人類」的芭比Valeria Lukyanov比
Audio Technica ATH-M50 Review - Classical Music Headphones 芭比一直都是許多人認為「完美」女性的象徵,女人不吝嗇表現對她的崇拜、追求芭比經典的美女形象,更有人紛紛表示自己就是「人類芭比」。既知名人類芭比Valeria Lukyanov大量曝光後,烏克蘭少女Lolita Richi也不甘示弱的爭取「最終完滿女人」的稱號。年僅16歲的她,擁有20吋纖腰和豐滿的First, let’s get this out of the way: the ATH-M50’s are the best headphones you can buy for under $200. In fact, if you’re budget is $300, I would still recommend the M50’s, along with the classical music oriented Sennheiser HD598’s. This review will expl...