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Amazon.com: Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Professional Studio Monitor Headphones: Musical Instruments 話說,一提到地鐵,很多人就想到人多... 不過,有時候坐地鐵也可以很歡樂... 在這裡,你總會遇到一些畫風獨特的人和事... 今天,boredpanda就總結了一波... 你們感受下... 這裡有帶各種動物的... 倉鼠 烏鴉 雞 汪 &nbAs the most critically acclaimed model in the M-Series line, the ATH-M50 is praised by top audio engineers and pro audio reviewers year after year. Now, the ATH-M50x professional monitor headphones feature the same coveted sonic signature, with the added ...