ATI Radeon™ HD 5870 graphics - Global Provider of Innovative Graphics, Processors and Media S有一種友情叫做「林志傑和田壘」!男孩‧奶爸進化史 文╱郭珮綺 攝影‧妝髮/班尼頓廣告風格寫真 錄影‧剪接/煒喆視覺影像工坊 協力品牌/Bizouzou童裝‧GAP‧H&M‧MICHAEL Michael Kors‧Michael Kors MEN‧Tommy HiATI Radeon HD 5870 graphics offer riveting, high-definition gaming. ... HD capable monitor required. AMD Eyefinity technology works with games that support non-standard aspect ratios which is required for panning across three displays....