漫遊洛杉磯街道的浪漫Lamborghini Huracan Twin Turbo
How To: Overclock Your AMD / ATi GPU - Overclock.net - An Overclocking Community▲你可以想像一輛擁有1000hp動力的Huracan,身穿賽車用的空力套件,在洛杉磯街頭漫遊的畫面嗎︖車主馬克將這件事從夢境中搬到現實,雖然過程中跌跌撞撞,但他真的是太有錢了(筆者太老實嗎!?),竟然完成了這個天方夜譚。 圖片來源:superstreetonline 相信許多讀者都會幻想自己This will allow us to bypass the limitation that stops you from passing the limits of ATi Overdrive (This tip was found on HWBot news). A BIOS flash is not necessary to do this, you just need to edit the file . If you get an Access Denied or permissions e...