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全文閱讀 Customer Reviews: ATI All-In-Wonder X800 XT Video Card 在每個人心目中,都有個最喜歡的身體部位,有些人喜歡「臀部」也有人喜歡「鎖骨」, 各個部位都有許多愛好者,但你看到批踢踢西斯版(sex)女鄉民傾巢而出,並且PO出你心目中最喜歡的部位,不知道你把持得住嗎?到底是什麼原因,讓這些西斯女鄉民PO出美照呢?就讓我們繼續看下去吧!   啊~嘶 原因Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for ATI All-In-Wonder X800 XT Video Card at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. ... This card was not built nor meant to be sold to the "casual" computer user...this is a mo...


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