肖肖阿兜仔「海明威」以 滑板 自行車 走路 瘋狂環島三圈進擊中 與 QUIKSILVER 衝浪好手「
Blue Atlas Cedar Design Ideas, Pictures, Remodel and Decor 澳洲知名衝浪休閒服飾品牌 QUIKSILVER,今年冬天 QUIKSILVER 秉持著極限運動不受拘束追尋自由、不畏懼任何事物的精神,與熱愛台灣的肖肖阿兜仔海明威 (Jake Hemingway) 攜手合作,並邀請 QUIKSILVER 贊助衝浪好手 Sawu Koyouan 莎霧 谷悠岸同行,1“blue conifer - weeping blue atlas cedar ” “ weeping blue atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca Pendula’, zones 6 to 9) ” “ reads as a neutral; think of blue jeans. What doesn’t go with blue jeans?Blue conifers, such as this weeping blue atlas cedar (Cedr...