Intel's New Atom D510 Benchmark Tested - Intel's New Netbook and Nettop Processors | Roundup | PCMag 這款概念車成功刷新人們的想像。 不久前的法蘭克福車展上,賓士全新「變形金剛」概念車Concept IAA正式亮相。這款四門轎跑車擁有溜背式車頂設計,外型更加流暢。這款概念車風阻係數僅為0.19,如果速度達到時速80公里,車身竟然還會「變形」! 趕緊看看超酷的「變形」過程! ▼ConcFinal Thoughts So to sum up: If you already have a nettop running the dual-core Intel Atom 330 processor, and that system is running fine for you, you won't have to upgrade "just because" there's a new CPU in the wings. However if you're still using a fir...