atom feed

Atom (standard) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia近日靠北男友一位網友分享,跟男友交住一年,一開始對她很好,但到最近二個月,男友的脾氣變得很暴躁,導致她跟男友一起吵架。 (Sourse: 靠北男友),本文圖片皆源於同處 只要女友沒馬上回覆男友的訊息,男生就會不停的傳訊息、打電話想辦法找女友,讓他們愈來愈常吵架,男友更會說難聽的說話罵女友,The name Atom applies to a pair of related Web standards. The Atom Syndication Format is an XML language used for web feeds, while the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub or APP) is a simple HTTP-based protocol for creating and updating web resources. Web f...


Home | Atom Enabled 專門用早期電玩為主題設計底褲商品真是一件挺酷的事,從任天堂系列到現在很流行的寶可夢。如果雙方都還喜歡,不如試試這樣位生活增加情趣!   首先是這一款青春可愛的超級瑪利歐,用蘑菇來做胸罩真的是天才啊!!! 再來是七龍珠道服: 子彈系列: 遊戲機: source:9gag source:9gWhat is Atom? Atom is a simple way to read and write information on the web, allowing you to easily keep track of more sites in less time, and to seamlessly share your words and ideas by publishing to the web. If you’re new to Atom, you can find out more ...


The Tap Blog《青年租屋心酸實錄》 臉書影片連結: Youtube 連結: 許多青年學子或剛出社會的新鮮人,都對「自己住」抱有很大的憧憬,但直到真的搬出去家裡後,才發現現實才不是自己 2015-01-22T21:00:58Z 2015-01-22T20:54:16Z A little bird told me yesterday that Owen Paterson the backer of every environmental catastrophe as listed in the Green chamber of horrors, fracking, GMOs, glyphosate and so on, has...


Feed Validator for Atom and RSS近日Dcard一位網友分享,在便利商店打工,一對情侶來店買可樂,想說有買2送2,但是代碼繳費才會有買2送2,讓情侶好失望,但店員的窩心行為讓情侶超感動! (Sourse: Dcard),本文圖片皆源於同處 店員很不忍心看到情侶很失望,就幫刷條碼讓情侶有買2送2,然後男友還把3罐可樂給女友,讓店員很羨This is a validator for syndicated feeds. It works with RSS 0.90, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0, and 2.0. It also validates Atom feeds....


Syndication | Atom Enabled 左圖轉自twitter、右圖截自dcard 有男網友在Dcard上PO文「 最狂告白」, 分享好友的爆笑告白經歷。 原po的朋友和女生是在通識課認識的, 相處了一段時間後他發現喜歡上了女生,就決定告白。 結果沒想到鼓起勇氣告白之後竟然... 以下為原文      Atom Syndication Format – Introduction Developers > Syndication Contents What is Atom? About this document Sample feed Feed Elements Required Recommended Optional Entry Elements Required Recommended Optional Common Constructs Category...


W3C Feed Validation Service, for Atom and RSS  M-Power自1972年創立起來,就打造出許多讓車迷瘋狂的高性能車款,但高性能表示在排汙跟節能上較差,為應付法規需求,M-Power電動車或者混合動力車款被視為是品牌的解決之道。Robertson表示M-Power目前的銷售量雖然表現出色,但環保法規的逐漸嚴苛,迫使M車型有必要做出一Feed Validation Service Check the syntax of Atom or RSS feeds Validate by URI Validate by Direct Input Validate by URI Validate a feed online: Address: Validate by direct input This is the W3C Feed Validation Service, a free service that checks the syntax...
