ATX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 創意之道─龔大中 城市綠洲,一位漫行者─吳東龍 解讀字的表情─漢字字型設計進行式 極地探險─Hunting for Northern Lights 藝術,做為時代的提問者─《徐冰:回顧展》專訪徐冰 設計師,充電中─馮宇市場才是真正的戰場 創意之道─龔大中 【文/吳書萱;攝影/汪德範;ATX (Advanced Technology eXtended) is a motherboard configuration specification developed by Intel in 1995 to improve on previous de facto standards like the AT design. It was the first major change in desktop computer enclosure, motherboard and power sup...