太貴 INFINITI 未來將不再與BENZ合作
Anubis - Malware Analysis for Unknown Binaries Infiniti 在去年的全球銷售數字達到銷售23萬輛的表現,而跟Benz合作開發的Q30表現更突出,但最近有消息傳出,Infiniti的全球銷售情形並沒有達到預期,因此,Infiniti可能無法負擔與Benz合作的技術成本,因此,兩家車廠的合作可能會就此終止。 據外媒指出,Infiniti於七年Analyze suspicious URLs, Windows executable files, and Android APK files and receive a malware analysis report. ... Excessive Usage Detected To offer fair usage to all of our users, we must restrict the number of submissions as well as result downloads fr...