audi rs6

Audi RS 6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia一定要弄得整整齊齊... The Audi RS 6 quattro, commonly referred to as the RS6, is the highest-performing version, and top-of-the-line specification of the Audi A6, positioned above the Audi S6. It is a mid-size sports-focused executive car, produced by the high-performance priv...


Audi - 【採訪】560匹、3.9秒破百 史上最強跑旅登台 Audi RS6 Avant - 汽車 - Mobile01嚇!!! 最大輸出高達560匹馬力、靜止加速破百僅需3.9秒、極速限制在250km/h,它不是超跑,不過就是一部五門旅行車,卻把賓士AMG與BMW M Power同級對手強壓落地,我不說你也知道奧迪S高性能系列本事尚不足以至此,這是RS家族的RS6 Avant,Racing Sport的 ......


性能旗艦Audi RS6 Avant-1 - YouTube廣志你~也太不用心了吧~~~~ 參加Audi於六福村所舉辦的駕訓體驗活動,我們逮到機會試駕了Audi RS6 Avant,並且利用德國原廠教練安排的關卡,完全感受RS6的動力、底盤性能。 再好的主、被動安全,也需要以正確的駕駛習慣為基礎,建議車迷們有機會,一定要親自體­驗這類的 ......


Audi Rs6: Review, Specification, Price | CarAdvice實用~~~~ Real advice for Audi car buyers including reviews, news, price, specifications, galleries and videos. ... Audi has been spotted testing a prototype version of the upcoming high performance Audi RS6 Avant. The car was seen in Sweden during extreme winter t...
