兒童不宜的14個冷知識, 9如果你經常給別人「深喉」,牙醫是會知道的
Audi Quattro Sport S1 E2 Rally Group B "Total Tribute" - YouTube 絕對不是標題黨,這都是靠譜的知識!來看: 1.別巴西流浪蜘蛛咬到的話,會持續勃起(別高興,會很痛苦)然後可能死掉。為了救命,醫生需要用一根很粗的針插進你的丁丁,吸出變成果凍狀的血液 2.世界上只有兩種動物會對着鏡子欣賞自己的生殖器:人類、海豚 Total Tribute:: The SuperCars rally of over 500 hp 4x4.. In 1984 85 and 86 the Rally has been divided into groups .. The Group B cars could participate was that the only limits produce 200 cars .. The cars and Pilots - Audi Quattro Sport S1 Walter Röhrl S...