Review of AUS 8 Stainless Steel - BladeOps1 同事問我:克林頓的老婆是希拉克嗎?2 有一次我向人借錢,本來想說的是”等我取了錢就還你”說成”等我有了錢就取你”汗3 同學叫於京波,一日來信,宿捨門衛在宿捨門口大叫:乾涼皮、乾涼皮的信!4 我們語文老師:請大家把書翻到120塊錢全班皆暈,後這位老師SOG Flashback Assist with AUS 8 The single most important component of a good knife is the steel used to make it. A tough, versatile, damage-resistant steel can make or break a knife’s performance, as well as give them their high-quality standards. Stainl...