What is AUS-8A Steel? | KnifeUp - KnifeUp | The Knife News Magazine嗨嗨,大家好,我是A小姐(=ↀωↀ=) 頭髮到底有多重要? 看看以下的照片就知道! 最近網路上流傳著這組驚人的照片,有學生好心(?)替這位韓國補習班老師P上頭髮,沒想到老師竟然一秒從大叔變成帥氣型男啊! (source:uuoobe)本文下圖皆出自同處。 根據韓國媒體的介紹,這個人是韓國If you are shopping for a new knife, you will see that there are tons and tons of steel types on the market. What makes one type of steel better than the other? What is AUS-8a steel and how does it differ from other steels in the market? This post will co...