2016式樣Ford Focus RS正式完裝下線!預計今年春天正式於美國交付!
What is AUS-8A Steel? | KnifeUp - KnifeUp | The Knife News MagazineisCar! 挾帶著眾人期待而生,內蘊350hp最大馬力的掀背鋼砲Ford Focus 2016年式樣,日前首輛新車也於德國Saarlouis生產線完工。預計將與老大哥Focus ST、Fiest ST並肩搶攻北美的掀背鋼砲銷售市場! 本次搶掀背鋼砲市場的三代目Focus RS是原廠未來性能作品佈局If you are shopping for a new knife, you will see that there are tons and tons of steel types on the market. What makes one type of steel better than the other? What is AUS-8a steel and how does it differ from other steels in the market? This post will co...