白色派對的榮光 七年派對總回顧
Autocad 2008 & Windows 7 64bit - Autodesk Community 白色派對又稱白趴,全名為「2F White 白色派對」,自 2006 年以來開始起跑至今已有八年的青春歲月,想必就算沒去過的朋友們,總會有所耳聞『白趴』這名詞,鮮明亮眼的全白服裝造型,每個人卯足全力的盛裝打扮,在每一年的派對中,造成一片雪白奇景的現象,如此盛大壯觀景色,隨著每一年參與人數逐漸擴增,Hi We just upgraded from XP to Windows 7 64bit on the Cad guy's computer. Trying to install Autocad 2008 and it says this is a 32bit program and not supported on 64 bit...etc. is there a work around or files that can be replaced? I researched for a while ...