ipod cable, MDI interface, aux in, or usb cable to your VW for mp3 player | VW TDI forum, Audi, Pors作者:小燦來源:陽光燦爛的你(ID:isong01) 生活的很多細節, 都會透露你們的婚姻質量和家庭和諧程度。 文 小燦 三毛說,「愛情,如果不落實到穿衣、吃飯、數錢、睡覺這些實實在在的生活里去,是不容易天長地久的。」 的確,一份長久的愛情背後VW - Audi TDI forum, Chevy Cruze diesel forum, with reliability reviews, mpg, repair troubleshooting, reliability, performance tuning, and more! ... OEM ipod cable, MDI interface, aux in, or usb cable retrofit to your VW This article shows how to DIY inst...