Auxo for iOS 8 is in the works - iDownloadBlog • iPhone • iPad • iOS Blog本文轉自日本設計小站(ID:japandesign),已獲得其授權 話說一款牙膏竟能深受,國內外眾多時尚、大咖們的厚愛, 更是英國頭等艙指定的護理用品! 讓我們一起來領教一下。。。 號稱牙膏中的愛馬仕 —— MARVIS 。Auxo, to me, still is a significant upgrade over the stock App Switcher, but the impact felt back then was like the perfect storm: Apple’s UI lacked functionality, and Auxo scratched a prolonged itch that iOS users were dealing with since the iPhone’s arr...