蒼井空領首 5位成功轉型的AV女優
Avril Lavigne - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 陪伴許多男性度過漫漫長夜的AV女優們在她們的演藝生涯中,也會遇到需要轉型的時候,無論她們是自主地想要轉換跑道,又或是半被迫離開第一線的拍攝現場,能夠順利轉型取得成功誠屬不易。 第一名該屬蒼井空了,出道時以姣好可愛的外貌和G罩杯波濤洶湧的上圍,贏得童顏巨乳稱號。近年轉往中國發展,但人氣依舊高居不下,Avril Ramona Lavigne (/ˈævrɨl ləˈviːn/; born 27 September 1984) is a Canadian and French singer and songwriter. She was born in Belleville, Ontario, and spent most of her youth in the town of Napanee. By the age of 15, she had appeared on stage with Shani...