Avril Lavigne - Innocence Music Video - YouTube 翻攝mirror,下同 不要再說網路上一堆創作文了,現實生活就是有這種超扯的劇情!這名22歲的女孩叫鵲西(Chelsea Hopper),當她決定離開經常對她動手動腳的男友凱文(Kevin)身邊後,她搬離她們同居的房子回去跟爸媽一起住,家人也說以後再也不會跟凱文聯絡。 Made by myself, a music video with images from others Avril Vids - mostly when you're gonne and happy ending.. Did the best I could and think Turned pretty cool.. Well watch it and enjoy!! And PLEASE, leave you comment and reate!! TNKS :)...