AC Power Product Reviews: Monster AVS 2000 Home Theater Voltage Stabilizer Reviewed 當梵高化身花臂cool boy 蒙娜麗莎穿着大膽透視裝 個個都是時髦精 一天有人突發奇想: 《梵高》、《蒙娜麗莎》、 《戴珍珠耳環的少女》, 他們每天被關在密不透風的玻璃罩子裡, 一定覺得很無聊, 很想走上街透透氣吧! 這不日本設計師Shusaku Disagree with our product rating? Email us and tell us why you think this product should receive a higher rating. • With a constant 120-volt output and AC noise filtration, the AVS 2000 ensures you're hearing every detail and getting the most from your co...