AWS | Amazon EC2 | Pricing 紐西蘭懷卡托地區Tribal Huk 黑幫的老大講話了:毒品對懷卡托的年輕人影響太壞了,四分之三的青年都和毒品有關係,這種情況必須要改變了! 我決定,到本周五下午6 點半為止,給你們24 小時時間,所有的毒販都要從懷卡托滾出去!如果不走的話,後果自負! &Pay only for what you use. There is no minimum fee. Estimate your monthly bill using AWS Simple Monthly Calculator. The prices listed are based on the Region in which your instance is running. For a detailed comparison between On-Demand Instances, Reserve...