國境之南 炎炎夏日就該衝墾丁!│尤物雜誌
Amazon.com: M-Audio Axiom 49-Key USB Keyboard Controller: Musical Instruments@words by 尤物usexy雜誌@photos by 強振國@styling by 許宜惠@model:Bebe、Joanna 台灣四面環海處處有山,但只有墾丁如此迷人,有著獨特的魅力吸引大夥奔向它。今天,就迎向熱浪選條想走的路線兜風去,明天,就來到墾丁徹底放空一整天,拋開限制,隨心所欲怎樣都Advanced 49-Key Semi-Weighted USB MIDI Controller The M-Audio Axiom 49 controller from Avid combines all the production power and performance you need to get the most from your music software and MIDI gear. More than just a “data entry” controller, the Ax...