Ayumi Hamasaki 浜崎あゆみ - M 2013 15th Anniversary romanji / english Lyrics (A Best Live Tour) - YouTube檸檬的功用 兵荒馬亂中,在樹林邊一個騎兵逮住一個正要躲藏的美麗修女 美麗修女經過一番掙 扎,還是難逃魔掌。 後來回到修道院,修女顫驚的對住持說: 「那可惡的男人很快 的捉住我,並剝光了我的衣服,把我丟進了枯草堆中... 住持,你說以後我再碰到這種事時Music Translation and romanized lyrics: Letters from Ayu: http://lettersfromayu.wordpress.com/ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teac...