Counter-Forensics: Pair-Lock Your Device with Apple’s Configurator | Zdziarski's Blog of Things 最近,應采兒的一句話火了: 「不用做飯老公也滿意,做老婆用的是腦,好吧?」 這句話,正出自最新一期的《爸爸去哪兒》。在這期節目裡,媽媽被邀請去和寶貝們一起體驗生活,第一道關卡就是做早飯。 可誰知就在各位媽媽大展身手的時候,應采兒Last updated for iOS 8 on September 28, 2014 As it turns out, the same mechanism that provided iOS 7 with a potential back door can also be used to help secure your iOS 7 or 8 devices should it ever fall into the wrong hands. This article is a brief how-t...