azure - definition of azure by The Free Dictionary 今天這個故事有點驚悚也有點兒神奇。 故事發生在西班牙的阿斯圖里亞斯,主角兒名叫Gonzalo Montoya,今年29歲。 Montoya的身份,咳咳,說來有些尷尬…… 之前,他因為盜竊船隻被警察逮住,後來入獄服刑。 本來嘛,好好az·ure (ăzh′ər) n. 1. a. A bright blue, as of a clear sky. b. Heraldry The color blue. 2. The blue sky. [Middle English, from Old French azur, from Medieval Latin azura, from Arabic al-lāzaward, the azure: al-, the + lāzaward, azure (from Persian lāzhuwar...