Busch&Muller battery powered bicycle lights ▲「男同志」愛得熱烈,不在乎別人的眼光,在捷運上放閃卻被乘客炮轟「就是你們毀了國家」。(source:左gay8/右youtube)左為示意圖,非本人 你是支持還是不支持婚姻平權呢?不管你是否支持,看完這篇報導,或許就會瞭解大家對同志的刻板印象有多麼嚴重,然而其實事實與有些人所想的有Battery Powered Lights Ixon Core New for 2014, the tiny Ixon Core uses the same new optics as the Lumotec Eyc dynamo headlight. Power is from a lithium battery, which is charged via a micro USB port at the rear of the housing. This is a very bright headli...