b roll

B-roll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia男神用來仰望,男友用來生活,男閨蜜用來傾述。很多話男神聽不到,男友不能說,是時候找一個男閨蜜了。我愛男閨蜜,此愛非彼愛。   B-roll (B roll, or Broll) has several meanings in the film and television production industries. It may refer to the supplemental or alternative footage intercut with the main shot in an interview or documentary; in fiction film, it is a technique used to...


Why B-Roll Is So Valuable - Content Marketing Strategy, Research, "How-To" Advice再美的女人都禁不起鬼臉啊~~~   B-roll is the extra footage captured to enrich the story you’re telling and to have greater flexibility when editing. Instead of featuring only talking heads on video, you want to have other images you can cut away to that will … Continue reading →...


b-roll.net | photos 有中國網友分享了他在高中時的家長會問卷。 文字如下: Q:家長最令你感動的一件事是什麼? A:當我經濟最緊缺的時候,我爸把錢給我上網。 Q:在你的學習中,你希望你的家長怎麼做? A:幫我買電腦,有助於我學習,電腦還是TCL(註1)牌子的。對於我所有的學習方法,表示任何意見。 Q:你最想對家長說的一Al Tompkins Amanda Emily Anton/Bauer Audio tip b-roll.net AWARDS b-roll.net BASH b-roll.net STORE b-roller of the YEAR canon chat CNN contest Darren Durlach Equipment Tip feature flickr golden hour hd expo hurricane iphone Kevin Johnson lenslinger ......


b-roll.net | The Latest News in TV Photography▼上面的東西總是拿不到! ▼游泳的時候,常會淹到鼻子▼上課不能坐太後面,不然就會看不見黑板… ▼想照高一點的鏡子就夠不到…▼買來的褲子總是太長要捲起來▼試穿褲子的時候總是太長▼買s號看起來都像最大號 ▼買長裙都會拖地▼開車時腳不夠長…▼小時候爸媽總是走太快&Long-time friend of b-roll.net and BBC shooter, Christian Parkinson always has good stories to tell. He shares his many travels in Africa for the Beeb… Now he’s put those great ideas down on paper – or virtual paper – in a new ebook called Camera Confiden...
