scan - definition of scan by The Free Dictionary 46歲的攝影師馬克-穆勒在納米比亞埃托沙國家公園的卡爾克韋爾水潭邊拍攝到這組畫面。這位瑞士攝影師說:“像群正在戲水玩耍,它們用鼻子吸水噴到對方的身上,場面非常嘈雜。”但是包括長頸鹿和斑馬在內的周圍的其他動物顯然都感覺到了危險,它們知趣地迅速跑開了。大像感到威脅後開始把這只花scan (skăn) v. scanned, scan·ning, scans v.tr. 1. a. To look at carefully or thoroughly, especially in search of something; examine: The sailor scanned the horizon for signs of land. b. To look over quickly or read hastily: I scanned the newspaper while e...