ba ha lol

Welcome to Instant Rimshot        於千萬人之中遇見你要遇見的人,於千萬年之中,時間無涯的荒野裡,沒有早一步,也沒有晚一步,剛巧趕上了,沒有別的話可說,唯有輕輕地說一句,哦,原來你也在這裡。         我才發現夢想與現實的差別,逆著風If you need quick access to an ironicly-placed rimshot sound to mock your friends, or a genuinely-placed rimshot to put your great joke over the top, you've come to the right place....


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Blue (Da Ba Dee) by Eiffel 65 Songfacts - Song Meanings at Songfacts 白晝交替來來去去,日子,總是在一片混沌中度過。  夏天,這個我不甚喜愛的季節,冗長而燥熱。 陽光下的世界,所有的光線都能夠灼傷肌膚,所以與陽光相比我更喜歡暗夜。   酣睡了一下午,此刻,毫無睡意。莫名的出現了一種消極的情緒。 兒子纏著要陪他一起睡覺,卻無端地遭到了訓斥,嘀咕了幾Blue (Da Ba Dee) by Eiffel 65 song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart position ... The Eiffel 65 members are Jeffrey Jey, Maurizio Lobina and DJ Gary Ponte. The song came about when Lobina started playing a piano riff while Jey was writing lyr...


BA's Very Comfy WTP Takes Me Home To Singapore! — Trip Reports Forum | 自己是悲的代名詞,沒有疼愛、沒有快樂、沒有自由。只留下了默默的承受,有人說不可以輕易說出自己的脆弱,因為要學會堅強。所以,我把要說的都埋起來,不讓任何人知道,只當是一時的笑話。也許自己就是一個笑話吧!呵、只有麻木的微笑Been looking forward to this one and it didn't disappoint! Seems however like a very long day both for yourself, but also for the crew to leave at midnight and arrive at tea time must make the flight seem longer than it really is. I've never really consid...


Ho Ngoc Ha: baby on board! | Viet Channel 把你放在高處 我在低處 在我心靈深處 將你似神供奉 除了我又有誰知   從早到晚我把 心底的情歌 寄琴聲一曲於你 除了你又有誰知   你如雕塑般靜止 怎會了解我的心跡 沒有靈魂的你 哪知道有靈魂的痛苦 我啊 又將靈魂寄寓何處April 23, 2010 at 7:41 AM @computer whiz: lol, a “pro hacker” will never claim himself as a “hacker”, man. dont u know that: now, IP ADDRESS isnt reliable anymore? thousands way to change it. and u should know this: knowing others’ IP address is just a pi...


LOL on Pinterest | 4278 Pins 一切隨緣就好, 平平淡淡才是真,簡簡單單才是美, 很多外表的東西並不能決定什麼, 當一切歸於平靜, 自己心中感覺到的幸福是最重要的. ... 再也不要埋怨,用平靜的心,過平靜的生活。 當一切歸於平淡,回頭,才發現,只是曾經。。。。。。 一笑而過,僅此而已。 不再讓悲傷的句子詮釋心情。 即使悲傷,笑Ha! More This Man, Memes, Gordonramsay, Gordon Ramsey, Funny Stuff, Gordon Ramsay, So Funny, Gordonramsey, Hells Kitchens Thyme Lord ROFLOL! #doctorwho #gordonramsey 42 Funniest Frustrated Gordon Ramsay ......
