Wheels On The Bus | Christmas Special | Jingle Bells | Nursery Rhymes For Toddlers and Babies - YouT被捕魚的假器具插入嘴巴,因而死亡的海獅。.....誤入廢棄塑膠圈的海獅頸被割傷。.....被捕魚器具插入嘴巴的海獅。.....被漁具纏住因而溺死的海獅。...... 人類隨手亂丟的垃圾以及捕魚工具,現在竟成了危害海洋動物生命的罪魁禍首!阿拉斯加漁獵部(Alaska Department of FisCheck out our Wheels on the Bus Song http://vid.io/xqXs Here comes the the most lovable and favorite nursery rhyme "Wheels on the Bus" in a special colorful festive Christmas theme with Jingle Bells tune too. This "Wheels on the Bus" Christmas Special fea...