結婚九年,這回總算休了她!生的時候怕「妹妹」鬆 餵奶怕「垂」!還..!最後「導火線」爆發,我終於可以
Russia's Usmanov to give back Watson's auctioned Nobel medal - BBC News 有名網友在「靠北老婆」發文,說自己忍受9年婚姻,終於把自己的老婆休掉了。 一開始她的老婆非常正常,先交往2年,粉色婚禮,蜜月還跑去巴黎,讓他覺得非常幸福。 直到她開始知到她懷孕之後的第一天,就把工作辭掉,還說自己不能做家事,要專心養胎。原po全部一手包辦。 直到快要生孩子,醫生建議她自然產,沒想她Russia's richest man has revealed that he bought US scientist James Watson's Nobel Prize gold medal, and intends to return it to him. Steel and telecoms tycoon Alisher Usmanov said Mr Watson "deserved" the medal, and that he was "distressed" the scientist...