Bad Apple!! - Full Version w/video [Lyrics in Romaji, Translation in English] - YouTube ▲女生倒在血泊中,想考驗男友對她的愛。(source:youtube,下同) 相信不少人都會想知道自己如果死了,另一半的反應會如何? 但是你會真的死給另一半看嗎,相信大部分的人都不想這麼做,但是這個女子卻真的辦到了,只是她使用的方式是「假死」罷了! 這個女生名叫黛拉,她想測試「男友對I did a montage of the video "Bad Apple!!" to go with the full version. The song is sang by Nomico. At some places, it's not lag. It's just the video that is slow down. ==How to see the subtitles== Those who are not familiar with the YouTube Captions, the...