Bad Apple!! (Download, English subtitles) - YouTube 要將衣服穿的好看,其實有個大前提就是身材好,這就是模特兒和我們穿上後的差距…而一般身高較高的人,也被認為穿衣範圍較廣,穿搭更好看 ; 但有位俄羅斯名媛把這個想法徹底扭轉,即使她比起其他戰鬥民族的女人嬌小,甚至沒有既定認知的白皮膚、修長雙腿,只有 150 公分的 MiroslavBwahaha SIX MILLION VIEWS! Another Touhou video from Niconico. Note: There are a few Youtube commenters that are unspeakably rude and/or stupid. Please pay them no mind. The ads are due to a copyright claim by "One or more music publishing rights collecti...